


NAT Trigger Point therapy

The so called ’trigger points’ are painful knots in the muscles, often embedded remotely from where the pain is felt. NAT Trigger Point Therapy is a combination of appropriate techniques to deactivate the point(s), and developing strategies to prevent them from returning. 60 minutes, 75 €. 




What exactly is Reiki? There are many answers to this question. Quite simply, I use Reiki as a method of treatment. Reiki involves good, caring strokes that can have a soothing effect, alleviate pain and improve your sleep. “Like a massage, but without the kneading.” A Reiki treatment literally makes you feel like you are in good hands. Allow yourself to pause for a moment, be touched and receive more energy! The actual treatment takes 30-45 minutes, but reserve 60 minutes so that there will be enough time for preparations and discussion. 50 €. Due to the VAT rate change in Finland in September 2024, the price will rise to 53 €. 

"Amazing Tricks to Keep Yourself Healthy."
- HealthMag

Wonnes Wellness

Gua Sha

Gua Sha is a mild treatment in Chinese medicine. Gua Sha can, for instance, alleviate tensions and pain. The treatment is similar to massage, and involves using oil and a tool to rub the skin in strokes to increase circulation in the tissues. The treatment method suits most people. The actual treatment lasts for 30-45 minutes. Reserve 60 minutes so that there will be time for preparation and discussion! 50 €. Due to the VAT rate change in Finland in September 2024, the price will rise to 53 €. 

Wonnes Wellness​

Indian Head Massage

Indian head massage is a relaxing pain alleviating soft massage of the neck, upper back, upper arms, scalp and face. The massage is most often performed with the client sitting down so there is no need for a massage table. The treatment lasts for 30-45 minutes, but reserve an hour so there will be time for discussion. 50 €. Due to the VAT rate change in Finland in September 2024, the price will rise to 53 €. 

Wonnes Wellness


Relaxing massage and assisted stretching for neck and shoulders 30 min, 35 €. Due to the VAT rate change in Finland in September 2024, the price will rise to 38 €